Carlos + Isabella
If you follow my instagram or blog you might notice this wedding is edited a little different than most of my stuff. You’ll see in my FAQ’s that I can shoot almost any style and that I do in fact tend to change styles based on the bride’s taste. It’s always something I go over extensively with you while in the planning process. This wedding was actually shot to match another photographer’s style though because, well Covid. So for a few months when we opened back up in the fall of 2020 everything was still a hot mess. Photographers were dropping like flies, weddings were getting rescheduled, loads of them were on Sundays or Fridays…In this case their photographer got Covid at the wedding the week before and he recommended me as their replacement. After chatting with the bride Isabella on the phone we had a pretty quick connection, we both are also Interior Designers. They had already had to reduce their guest list drastically and this was a reschedule of their original day. I would be panicked. Not her though, calm as an ocean breeze all day. The kindest and sweetest girl that I literally met for the first time walking into her mom’s house while she was in hair and makeup.
Let’s be real and true, have you ever seen a bride ring more Carrie Bradshaw vibes than this one?? We took the majority of photos at her parents beautiful historic home then headed over to a socially distanced church ceremony. Her reception had to be split between the house and a last minute tent rental to abide by government rules, but she didn’t bat an eye. She was just all smiles for her Groom Carlos.
The best part of the day was that a ton of Carlos’ family was able to make it in from South America. It took quarantining and probably a lot of logistics but being able to see his nephew sing them a special song and he being able to dance with is mother was so precious. Sometimes the best wedding days are the ones that feel like they’ll be chaos leading up to it but seeing it all come together and everyone just spreading the love (and thankfully no Covid) is one of the many rewarding parts of my job.